New York

At 4 am of 20th July, we went to Manises airport. It was too early, and there we met Guillem and his parents. We took a plain to Milan, and there we took an other one to New York. When we arrived, we went by taxi to Manhattan, 47th street with 7th avenue. We visited 5th and 7th avenue, where there are a lot of shops; Tiffanys, M&M's official shop... Manhattan is a very important disctric of New York. We didn't almost exit of Manhattan. We also went to Central Park, the entry where John Lennon was kill. There are a mosaic in memorie to one of the best music of the history. Central Park is very very very big and very impressionant and beautiful and and.. :)

In Central Park there are a lot of baseball matches. In USA they have an other accent, more difficult at the beginning to understand. We visited Coney Island, where there was and old fair. We crossed to Brooklyn by Brooklyn bridge at dusk. Very beautiful. We navigated around Manhattan with a boat, we view The Liberty's statue, a lot of very important buildings and Manhattan in the night. We went to Chinatown, and I bought a funny t-shirt for my cousin, Pablo. We went to Greenwich Village, to Gospel mass where we met Susana, a friend. It's possible that I forget parts of the travel, because the travel is very long, and all the places that we visited were fantastic. [ In other entry mooore information of USA :) ]

New York's Podcast


elena said...

vera! :)
i think that yor entry is so interesant and i love your opinion about your trip.

I think that you speak fantastic in english and you must speak always like this.

ILOVEYOU more and more.

Héctor said...

Ouuh vera, i would like to go to new york as soon as possible.


Loveu! a lot :)