
The Sahara was a Spanish colony. Spain resigns to have that colony, and it is committed to respect the autonomy and the independence of the Saharauis. Soon after, Morocco decide to invade that territory because they say that it belongs to them. The occupation took place under the name of “the Green March”. Saharauis was expelled from their earth, in spite of facing the army of Morocco. Because of that conflict a displacement of the Saharaui population takes place towards fields of refugees. Was Algeria coverall that welcomed to them and supported them. From there, the representatives of saharauis, the Polisario Front, have dedicated themselves to demand in all the international organisms and Spain in particular that recognize to them as independent country and gives back their earth to them. Now they request a Referendum to vote the independence of the country, but Morocco refuse and meanwhile the town saharaui lives on the aid and international charity in campings in the middle of the desert.

Western Sahara --> 17/04/07
My mam.

1 comment:

elena said...

I swear you that I wrote you a comment in your blog, but I don't know where is it, so.. I'm writing you again.. :)

I think that you have your head very well situated, because you are loyal, clever and very good preson.. and for all this things I love you and I love your blog!

well.. ciao! lots of kisses and hughs..

and please, post me and visit this..