Greenhouse effect

Is called Greenhouse effect to the absorption, on the part of the atmosphere, of infrared rays preventing that escape to the deep space the temperatures of the planet.

It is an increase of the temperatures of the planet, and is caused by the heat of the sun that the atmosphere retains, like glasses of a conservatory. The common gases but are the water steam and carbon dioxide.

Is clear that this effect is causing great climatic changes, very serious for the planet, but thanks to an Greenhouse effect moderate,there's Earth life.

The Green House Effect, is producing a global heating, and this, in the next century, will cause a great climatic change. The species of trees, animals etc. will be affected. There will be floods of coastal zones, extinction of species of plants and animals, droughts…

It has been tried to help, from many organizations to the planet, with the Kioto's Protocol, (thing that the U.S.A. it rejected, being he one of the countries that more damage to the atmosphere produces) and with many more things, but seems that this already is irreversible.

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Wikipedia 14/02/07

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