xmas in Spain

In general, Christmas in Spain is based more on a religious theme than in many other places.

In Spain, every town and city will decorate the streets. Christmas markets also begin to appear.

The most important day in Spain, is the 6th January or Three Kings Day (Los Reyes). Three kings leave presents to children.
Every town will have a "belen", it's a small representation of Jesus' birth.

Other important day is the drawing of lottery, which is drawn on 22nd of December.

On the night of 5th January we have a procession where tons of sweets will be thrown from the passing floats, much to the joy of the children.

On the 6th January (Los Reyes Day), a special cake is made and sold all over Spain. Rosca de Reyes is a ring pastry covered in sugar and fruit flavoured jellies. On biting, beware, the cake will contain plastic toys as presents.

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