xmas in Spain

In general, Christmas in Spain is based more on a religious theme than in many other places.

In Spain, every town and city will decorate the streets. Christmas markets also begin to appear.

The most important day in Spain, is the 6th January or Three Kings Day (Los Reyes). Three kings leave presents to children.
Every town will have a "belen", it's a small representation of Jesus' birth.

Other important day is the drawing of lottery, which is drawn on 22nd of December.

On the night of 5th January we have a procession where tons of sweets will be thrown from the passing floats, much to the joy of the children.

On the 6th January (Los Reyes Day), a special cake is made and sold all over Spain. Rosca de Reyes is a ring pastry covered in sugar and fruit flavoured jellies. On biting, beware, the cake will contain plastic toys as presents.

The illtreat

I believe that it is a form that the persons have, "to demonstrate" forts that are. But for me, they demonstrate everything opposite.When a man ill-treats a woman, only it demonstrates the little person that it is, the weak thing that is, thinking that like that someone will respect him.Senseless, machist, sexist.

Every time, the couples who suffer mistreatment are younger.It is SHAMEFUL that a person could manage to ill-treat other one.
I believe that the persons, if it is possible to call them this way, have a serious problem.
These people, also end up by ill-treating his children.The children end up by seeing the mistreatment to which they submit hismothers, in some cases it is on the contrary but in very small.I believe that this society, should put of his part to solve this problem, that every year, one is taking more lives.

Five senses ..

The tact, the sight, the ear, the taste, the smell..They serve for so many things..To touch, to feel, to see, oler, to listen, to hear, to look...

Sometimes, even you can have six... And this sixth sense depends on you itself...
Not only it is what hisname indicates...

.. To savour a moment, to listen to a feeling, to feel a word..

They are so many things..


This year the project is An Eurobat. We are preparing everything for us for the Eurpo Comite.East consists of every college that takes part a performance, interpretation to be prepared ... something to show the others, we are preparing a cumbia, in classes of music for the present time we are dedicating them to preparing ourselves..!

I have many desires from which the trip comes.Now in music we are preparing the performance to take her here.


Denmark is in Jutlandia's peninsula. Placed to the north of Europe and part of the European Union (EU).The seas of it around are The Baltic sea and the sea of the North.
His population is of 5.342.803 and with a surface of 42.430 Km2. His capital is Copenaghe (and I hope that in our trip we could be going to visit her, to Arhus's part).

The currency that is in use is The Euro but before the Danish Wreath was in use.The language that speaks is the Danish but they all know English also.

Prision break..

Chapter* of Prision break of this Thursday it was not one of the better like the series A LOT, I liked this equally. This was trying of that one like already in other chapters, they try to continue with the plan to escape, but this time does not go to them well the game. They liberate John abruzzi of his task and already they cannot be in the leaf of role of cleanliness *, and it they bother the plan. The young man who suicide has "received" the
pederastian because he does not know from to do, and Michael feels guilty, since the boy asked it to help and he, to enter messes, he did not help him.
The son of Burrows can to the escape of those of the government and meets Verónica. " The ambulant infirmary" is begun understanding that they plan something..And it seems that the thing to them is become more and more complicated...
(And he is the more beautiful boy that me NEVER see!xDDDD)


The music ... it is the music... This one in each of your moments... From the nicest up to(even) the saddest... Always there will be a song with which you feel identified... That you think that THIS song is done specially for you ... and only for you ... =)
The music exists since the world is a world and does million years they were using it already as way of expression... From the prehistoric men until today...By means of the music therapies can be done... Even the animals seem to understand it...MUSIC IS LIFE ..!! =D

Sally's phone: personal opinion..

It is a short enough book, enough good is. I would recommend it to the persons to whom the Englishman not they of very well.
This book is easy enough to read and is read rapidly. It does not have complicated vocabulary and is not done peasdo of reading.I believe that this book is enough good but for people of little Englishman's level .. (like me ..!xD)

Galicia in flames

This summer, at the beginning of August, since the previous year there started being fires in Galicia. There have burned many hectares of Galician forests, and it is said that they have been provoked. They have been about the whole Galicia. The habitants are worried, since the previous year tubieron also problems of this type, and it seems that this year they have repeated themselves. Espermos that the year that comes does not spend the same thing ... because little by little the community is deteriorating because of these fires...


This summer spend a week of holidays in Ibiza. Traveled with my parents, Guillem and his parents...We visited a lot of beach in Ibiza and we visit Formentera too. In Formentera there aren't a few shadooows!!

And after to spend all day under sun, I had a sunstroke!:O I visited the Ibiza's HospitaaaL! xD Oh! It punctured a jellyfish too!
Well...This wasn't the most important thing..the beachs of Ibiza are very beautiful and it has been a nice trip in general.

Visit of PAPA..

Towards the first week of July, Valencia has a visit, for some very hoped, and others… not as much… Was doing preparatory months and months before, spending the money of the taxes of the people of Valencia, single for a visit of one day.
I believe, is not just to use the PUBLIC money on this kind of event when there are a lot of very important things to spend this money(Improve Undeground of Valencia, Infraestructure of humble neighborhood and so on..)

Santiago Ramon y Cajal

He was born on May 1, 1852, at Petilla in Aragon, Spain. This medicine lawyer. Anatomy assistant was named temporary, director of the museum of anatomy of Zaragoza. One began to interest in the hypnosis, and discovered the cellular unit of the nervous system. He obtained a prize “Fauvelle” of the Societé, the international prize of Moscow and in Spain the great cross of Isabel the catholic and the Great cross of Alfonso XII. He publishes books… Dies the 14 of October of 1934.


Helen, Lucia and Me in the school of Carcassonne.

We went to Carcassonne at the beginning of May. I have gone it very well, because it has been my first interchange. I have liked much. We went to the "Canal du Midi", to see “Cité of Carcassonne”… In the afternoons we went away with the French to the city, with those of the class, although not always we were with people that we wanted. .ejem… =) Although I have very well been in the house that there am been, with my French, and the people with whom it was left she.
Almost all the afternoons I passed them with Helena and MªLuz, and we have laught ourselves, very MUCH.
In summary, us we have passed it very well, but,i miss… some things…

Human rights

The 10 of December of 1948, the General assembly of the UNO, declared the human rights.
In the declaration of the human rights, all the rights are explained that have the people. It was very important that all the countries of the UN were agreed to approve it. What suucede that many of those countries does not respect it, for example, the U.S.A., that the allowed capital punishment has in its laws, and in the declaration of the human rights, one of them is that all the people have right to the life. Although these rights are approved by the UN, of the world are to a great extent not respected. It continues being hunger, lack of freedom, oppression, diseases that are podrian to cure and that by lack of solidarity do not become…


Country with an absolute and authoritarian monarchy. The people has been revealed against the king. After many clashes and the death of many people, they have achieved that the king "accepts" the democracy, but not this one very clearly that manages to be true.
I believe that the people has right to have a democracy, after having suffered for many years the dictatorship, living in poverty, without freedom and so on...

Israel & Palestina

The Jews always have asked for a land for them, a country. The UNO granted it to him and there they were living also the Arabic. The Iraelitas expelled the Arabs of his lands. After several wars and numerous clashes they have managed to sign the peace, except with the Palestinians. There continue being many clashes between them and refuse to speak. Irael does not want to agree on anything.Every people thinks that they have the reason, but the two have it and simultaneously none. I believe that Israel abuses the support of the USA, all the Jews and his major military power. I think that the Palestinians, like the Jews, have right to which they are recognized as a state and to which the Jews respect them.

mobil phone

I believe that the mobile ones if a good use is done of them if that can help to the progress. But sometimes in persons of my age it can create a dependence for nothing good. Then it is necessary to find the average point. The mobile are starting creating some social problems. The boys of our age now are starting giving him an evil I use the mobile ones in the schools... and in some places are begin to raise if to allow the entry of mobile in the schools. This can be good for one to part and for other one not because everything what we have advanced this bothers it.

Iran and it's role in Orient

Iran in this moment is a very troubled Country for many reasons. His geographical situation is in the border of Iraq that is a country of almost world conflict. Another problem that has Iran is that has an Islamist very radical government and this does that USA has this country in his list of enemies...A months ago, Iran to decided to start making nuclear products that they say that they want use them for civil use, never for war use but USA another occidental countries don't belive them and they threaten to take reprisals.Acually Iran his one of the leader the islamic moviment against the USA and west.

Stop fire ETA?

I believe that ETA has said it because indeed they want to leave it already.I personally if that I believe myself that they are going to leave his assaults, if not they would not have said at all. I do not believe that they return to it of before because then nobody they It would take seriously.I believe that ETA this time says it indeed, and i am glad that after so much time finally I have ended ETA's terrorism. The initials ETA wants to say Euskal Ta Askatasuna and this wants to say "Euskadi" and freedom