
The word "indie",comes from the term "Independent", and it's refers anything, generes, cultures and so on, and an approach that's would mean "do it yourself".
Indie = unique, independent, innovative, he.
Indie, usually it refers to artist or band that doesn’t always follow fashion, and he does his music without any influence.

During 20’s, the big northamericans multinationals were challenged by a lot of little record company called “independents”, but to the end of 20’s, this records companys were closed.
This term, retorned in 50’s, when record market was adjusted by songs and his performers. The big records company payed performer for make up songs and after, they picked up the songs to other singers for perform this songs. ASCAP born, (American Society Of Composers, Authors and Publishers) and the components protected all his songs. For them, it was bad that music like Indie could be listened in Radio, and they censured any music that it comes from Independents singers or bands.
Illegal Radios were created, and one asociation against ASCAP, with the name of BMI (Broadcast Music Incorporated), it represented a lot of performers and editors that they had been censured. The ASCAP did all posible for the music Indie didn't triumph, but the Indie was already inside the country (USA).
To the end of 80’s begin to born bands like
The Pixies, Yo La tengo, Sonic Youth.. and they mix rock, punk, pop..
From Nirvana, Indie mix new styles like, Slowcore, Emocore, Folk, Surf...
In the last years, Indie has growed, there are festivals around the world, (
FIB, Contempopranea, IndyRock…). Indie, today, is very importance in the musical world, and I think, it’s a very good reward.
Actually, Indie’s a large term, although more defined that 90’s, and Indie bands are the bands that edits his CD’s in multinationals, or in another stamps:
The Strokes, Dead cab for cutie, Oasis, The Kooks, Arctic Monkeys, La habitaciĆ³n roja, Interpol, The Killers, Muse, Los planetas, Deluxe, Wilco, Franz Ferdinand, Sidonie, Kaiser Chiefs… they be a little part of many bands that continues that other people began.

Where is my mind? - The pixies

A lack of color - dead cab for cutie

Indie's Podcast


The Military Meeting of Burma confirmed that it has arrested almost 3.000 persons since there began the repression of the protests of the monks Buddhists, and at least 500 continue in prison. This advertisement of the military men was done one day after the general secretary of United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, was asking to the regime to initiate a process for the democratization of his political system, and it was qualifying of "disgusting and unacceptable ", the repression of the multitudinous pacific manifestations in favor of the democracy.

In a communicated published by the newspaper New Light of Myanmar, official organ of ? of the regime, found out that a whole of 2.927 Burmans has been detained since at the end of September a wide police operation was tackled against members and sympathizers with the anti-government groups. " We continue calling people in order that it's interrogated, and those that have to be put the freedom, they will be put at liberty ", indicated the diary.

Only a few weeks happened and already we know nothing of this conflict that attracted the looks of the entire world. Overnight it seems that it has returned to reign the peace. Has army returned to take the control? Or on the contrary, the have religious ones left with his?
Do they follow the beatings, political detentions and deaths? The means are completely opaque to the topic, only they report of what sells and of what is interested.

Or the governments have decided to silence it since the relations are too tense with China. Why are a few dictatorships allowed if and others not? Which are the interests that have in the zone? Lamentably always any misfortune, conflict happens, disaster in poor countries is a news of the first page one day. The whole world is mobilized because we are very good and very solidary. But it happens one month and already almost nobody remembers, almost nobody does anything.


Burma's podcast