What happened in France?

Ten days after the death of two French young men of Maghrebian origin in a tragic accident in a slum of Paris, the violence has spread from the periphery of the capital up to the principal cities of France. Only during the night from Friday until Saturday they burned more than 900 vehicles in the whole country.
In ninth consecutive night, neighborhoods of the suburbs of Paris and of other regions of France are a scene of violence. While, the prime minister, Dominique de Villepin, has received several young men of urban difficult zones in search of a solution to the crisis.

For more infotmation visite http://www.franceguide.com (oficial website of France)
http://www.carcassonne.org (oficial website of Carcassonne)

The Catalian estatute

The Catalian statute they are the laws of Catalonia. Some Catalans want to have his own laws and his own rights and not be dependent on Spain. I think that it is nice though the truth, for my, is not anything that I fall ill very much, if the Catalans approve it, and if it is what they want it seems to me very likely.
For more infotmation visite www.gencat.net


This party is celebrated on 31st of october.In the times of the middle ages, some bandits, decian that the espiritos were the culprits of all the evil who sucedian in this night, something that also was invented, and were disguising themselves as devils, witches, monsters to do mas credibly his story. Years despues this festivity comes to the USA, taken by the pioneers, and it was accepted as a tradition, with all his details. It was a catholic party, which I popularize enormously with the arrival of the Irishes. They added it of the hollow gourd for a legend.This party is celebrated on 31st of october. Nowadays Halloween is one of the dates mas important of the festive American and Canadian calendar.


The Program Erasmus or Erasmus Mundus is an European program of interchange of university students. It has for object improve the quality and strengthen the European dimension of the higher education fomenting the transnational cooperation between(among) universities, stimulating the mobility in Europe and improving the transparency and the full academic recognition of the studies and qualifications in the whole Union.


It is shameful what spending in melilla. Is it necessary to kill, to leave the people in the middle of the desert? They are so dangerous for our as they say? I believe that the rich countries must to share everything what they have with those who are not.I think is very sad that they don't do it.They must worry to help poor countries to desenveloped theirs own resources.In this form the persons wouldn't have to leave theirs houses and his countries looking for a best live.

Harold Pinter

Harold Pinter has been awarded the 2005 Nobel Prize for Literature.Born 10 October 1930 in East London.He was a playwright, director, actor, poet and political activist.
He has been awared the Shakespeare Prize,the European Prize for Literature,the Pirandello Prize,the David Cohen British Literature...and so on.Pinter's interest in politics is a very public one. Over the years he has spoken out forcefully about the abuse of state power around the world, including, recently, NATO's bombing of Serbia.

Digitaly illiteraly

-What does it mean? It's the person who doesn't know the digital world and cannot know manage in.

-Write your opinion: I think it's very important to know the digital world because nowaday is present in all the ascpets of our life.

-Are you digitally illiterate? I don't think so, Because I know it and I like it.(The digital world).