Indie = unique, independent, innovative, he.
Indie, usually it refers to artist or band that doesn’t always follow fashion, and he does his music without any influence.
During 20’s, the big northamericans multinationals were challenged by a lot of little record company called “independents”, but to the end of 20’s, this records companys were closed.
This term, retorned in 50’s, when record market was adjusted by songs and his performers. The big records company payed performer for make up songs and after, they picked up the songs to other singers for perform this songs. ASCAP born, (American Society Of Composers, Authors and Publishers) and the components protected all his songs. For them, it was bad that music like Indie could be listened in Radio, and they censured any music that it comes from Independents singers or bands.
Illegal Radios were created, and one asociation against ASCAP, with the name of BMI (Broadcast Music Incorporated), it represented a lot of performers and editors that they had been censured. The ASCAP did all posible for the music Indie didn't triumph, but the Indie was already inside the country (USA).
To the end of 80’s begin to born bands like The Pixies, Yo La tengo, Sonic Youth.. and they mix rock, punk, pop..
From Nirvana, Indie mix new styles like, Slowcore, Emocore, Folk, Surf...
In the last years, Indie has growed, there are festivals around the world, (FIB, Contempopranea, IndyRock…). Indie, today, is very importance in the musical world, and I think, it’s a very good reward.
Actually, Indie’s a large term, although more defined that 90’s, and Indie bands are the bands that edits his CD’s in multinationals, or in another stamps: The Strokes, Dead cab for cutie, Oasis, The Kooks, Arctic Monkeys, La habitación roja, Interpol, The Killers, Muse, Los planetas, Deluxe, Wilco, Franz Ferdinand, Sidonie, Kaiser Chiefs… they be a little part of many bands that continues that other people began.
Where is my mind? - The pixies
A lack of color - dead cab for cutie
Indie's Podcast
Monday, September 03, 2007 |
Posted by
3:53 PM
The Military Meeting of Burma confirmed that it has arrested almost 3.000 persons since there began the repression of the protests of the monks Buddhists, and at least 500 continue in prison. This advertisement of the military men was done one day after the general secretary of United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, was asking to the regime to initiate a process for the democratization of his political system, and it was qualifying of "disgusting and unacceptable ", the repression of the multitudinous pacific manifestations in favor of the democracy.
In a communicated published by the newspaper New Light of Myanmar, official organ of ? of the regime, found out that a whole of 2.927 Burmans has been detained since at the end of September a wide police operation was tackled against members and sympathizers with the anti-government groups. " We continue calling people in order that it's interrogated, and those that have to be put the freedom, they will be put at liberty ", indicated the diary.
Only a few weeks happened and already we know nothing of this conflict that attracted the looks of the entire world. Overnight it seems that it has returned to reign the peace. Has army returned to take the control? Or on the contrary, the have religious ones left with his?
Do they follow the beatings, political detentions and deaths? The means are completely opaque to the topic, only they report of what sells and of what is interested.
Or the governments have decided to silence it since the relations are too tense with China. Why are a few dictatorships allowed if and others not? Which are the interests that have in the zone? Lamentably always any misfortune, conflict happens, disaster in poor countries is a news of the first page one day. The whole world is mobilized because we are very good and very solidary. But it happens one month and already almost nobody remembers, almost nobody does anything.
Burma's podcast
Posted by
3:16 PM
Paris, Je t'aime
Elena and I wanted to watch this movie because Vera likes French cinema and Elena was slept when she went to see it in the cinema (it doesn’t mean that the film wasn’t interesting). So after of many attempts, we got to watch it. Fine.
Paris, Je t’aime narrate different stories about love, from different points of view, that they happens in Paris.The 18 stories are directed by different directors, like; Olivier Assayas, Gérard Depardieu, Gurinder Chadha, Joel and Ethan Coen, Isabel Coixet, Alfonso Cuarón, Alexander Payne, Daniela Thomas, Oliver Schmitz, Gus van Sant…
Vera: Directed by Isabel Coixet, my favorite story has been a story about a man that he wants to separate of his wife, because he is in love of an other women (Leonor Watling). When his wife said him that she has cancer, he decides to face to the circumstances and to stay with her. Then he rediscover his love for she. I like this story because it demonstrates that when the situations get worse, they can have their positive part, in spite of you think that everything were lost.
Elena: One of the stories that I prefer is about a vampire woman fell in love of a boy (Elijah wood) and she is unable of to eat him. He try to keep her cutting his veins, but he doesn’t get it and he die. She save his life converting him in vampire.I loved this story because as I like books about fantasy romance, I know the importance of she doesn’t eat him.
La vie en Rose
Wednesday, August 29, 2007 |
Posted by
6:57 PM
San Francisco
Hours and hours of car had compensates.
We entered by Golden Gate, although we were crossing it to 80km/h, was possible to be appreciated all its espandor, not only because are red, for being one of the more famous suspension bridges, and their spectacular structure.
We already were in San Francisco! An incredible city, couldn’t compare it with New York, with any other either, each one has its enchantment, but San Francisco…
Maybe, the only one “problem” are many homeless that live there. San Francisco always has been a very liberal city, where “hippie” begin moving, and people began to take flowers in his hair.
Even observing homeless, it could even be appreciated free that San Francisco was, the police in any case threw to them of where they were, they lived in calm, without house, but with calm, and that transmitted something to you that I couldn’t explain.
Surely i’m pretentious, but after walking by the district hippie, the Victorian houses (called thus by Victoria’s Queen), Lombard Street (bend’s street)... i’m unable to express all this without putting pretentious.
Though we were only two days, we could make many things. We took walked by it raised streets, walking, in “tranvía” and “trolebus”.
We visited the greater Japanese garden of the world, we sailed by the bay of San Francisco being able to close by see the old prison of Alcatraz. We were also in the Chinatown, greatest of the world (other time, je je), though personally impressed me very much the NY’s Chinatown.
Really, San Francisco is an incredible city, and would return there without doubting it.
Golden Gate
Lombard St.
Victorian's Houses
Fake tales of San Francisco · Arctic Monkeys
If you go to San Francisco · The mamas and the papas
San Francisco's podcast
Posted by
4:02 PM
New York

New York's Podcast
Sunday, August 19, 2007 |
Posted by
9:08 AM
The boy in the Stripped Pyjamas
The author,(John Boyne), in theback page of the book , “The boy in the Striped Pyjamas”, suggest is better to maintain the surprise of the book, not to count which is the argument, for that reason, from here, to continue reading is your desision. (Excepting that you're Maria, that you will have to read it, if you want to correct it to me xD)
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, deals with a as important subject as painful, as Holocaust.
The book is narrated in first person, by a boy of 9 years. Bruno is the son of a Nazi commander who is destined to direct the concentration camp of Auschwitz.
The children lived a calm life, without preoccupations, in Berlin, and when destine to his father, march to live with his family next to the wire fence of the concentration camp.While it lives there, to the distant spot, it seems to see to him young men and with striped pyjamas.
The boredom that supposes to him to live there, without friends, nor anything that to do, urges to him to go and search adventures and maybe some friend, and he see so many children the other side, together, and feels envies (yes, he have envies of persons in a concentration camp....)
After some days living there, going in search of somebody to that to know, it finds to Shmuel, a boy of his age. Between them, (that they was born the same day), it creates relation of friendship, which both needed, that takes to finish to them together in the same aside of wire fence, I will not say in which.
It has seemed me a great book, narrated from the point of view of a boy, gives a special touch him, of naivete. I believe that next I will read, Anne Frank's diary.
Friday, July 13, 2007 |
Posted by
4:56 PM
Jerjes (Xerxes) was the king of Persia. His name means “governor of heroes”. After being crowned* one faced a revelión in Egypt successfully. In the Bible it is mentioned to Jerjes like Aüashverosh.
During their reign, many Samaritan ones requested aid to him with their accusations against the Jews. Jerjes also is identified with king Ahasuerus in the Biblical Ester Book. In this book Jerjes resigns to his woman because it in a celebration that the king had organized rejected to appear as Queen of the empire.
After giving warning to all the young people of the empire it chose to the bean* Esther so that outside his queen. Haman the Agagita, one of the ministers of the king, felt insulted by the uncle of Esther, and convinced to Ahasuerus to destroy all the Jews of the Persian empire, but Esther and his uncle obtained not outside that thus.
Persian king Jerjes seted out to finish with the revolution of Greek and the Asians and to conquer Greece to end the supports that received. In the Termopile's war, Jerjes didn't like that the Greeks fought and won all their wars, and already impatient, he sent to several emissaries noticing them that if did not give their arms, they would be killed.
00:57 minute (Jerjes).
Wikipedia --> 23/05/07
300's critic --> 23/05/07
Friday, May 25, 2007 |
Posted by
2:16 AM
Europe comite
We went to Denmark at the beginning of May. The reason was the Europe comite that this year the subject was “Eurobeat”. Each school prepared a performance related to “Eurobeat”, and a day was the event. Our performance was the best (H), along with the "La Gavina". When we arrived we were each one with our families. On the next day we saw everybody in the school (Rosenvagskolen) and we made activities that had prepared to us. The second day we returned to go to the school but this day were'nt activities.
Thursday, May 24, 2007 |
Posted by
3:34 PM
Posted by
3:13 PM
Posted by
2:32 PM
The Sahara was a Spanish colony. Spain resigns to have that colony, and it is committed to respect the autonomy and the independence of the Saharauis. Soon after, Morocco decide to invade that territory because they say that it belongs to them. The occupation took place under the name of “the Green March”. Saharauis was expelled from their earth, in spite of facing the army of Morocco. Because of that conflict a displacement of the Saharaui population takes place towards fields of refugees. Was Algeria coverall that welcomed to them and supported them. From there, the representatives of saharauis, the Polisario Front, have dedicated themselves to demand in all the international organisms and Spain in particular that recognize to them as independent country and gives back their earth to them. Now they request a Referendum to vote the independence of the country, but Morocco refuse and meanwhile the town saharaui lives on the aid and international charity in campings in the middle of the desert.
Western Sahara --> 17/04/07
My mam.
Posted by
7:54 AM
Saturday, April 07, 2007 |
Posted by
8:09 AM
Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose wasing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing. Choose yyour future. CHOOSE LIFE.
The title “Trainspotting” comes from a passage of the book this, where Begbie and Renton (main characters) know to a drunkard in the station. They use the station as bath, and the drunkard asks to them if they estan doing trainspotting. Trainspotting is a British pastime; to write down the numbers of trains that are happening. As useless as the Heroin but aid to many to spend the short while.
Directed by Danny Boyle (on 1996) and written by Irvine Welsh.
The life of a group of heroin addicts, in the suburbs of Edimburgo, and displays the history of Mark and its friends to us. The film relates the desintegration. Mark has intelligence and he haves the opportunity to flee from his destiny, but the question would be if it really means yes to the life...
Credits -->
Wikipedia 15/02/07
Cinenganos 15/02/07
Cine y Droga 15/02/07
Thursday, February 15, 2007 |
Posted by
11:21 AM
Greenhouse effect
The Green House Effect, is producing a global heating, and this, in the next century, will cause a great climatic change. The species of trees, animals etc. will be affected. There will be floods of coastal zones, extinction of species of plants and animals, droughts…
Posted by
10:55 AM
Xmas around the world
In KENYA, the churches are decorated with balloons, ribbons, flowers and green plants as well as Christmas trees. Christmas dinner is often a barbecue with family members traveling from far away to be together again.
In FINLAND, it is a tradition to have a sauna bath before Santa's visit. On Christmas day most people go to "Christmas Church" and after visit the grave sites of their loved ones and light candles for them.
In New Zealand, it is the middle of summer at Christmas time. Instead of a hot drink Santa often gets a cooling beer as a snack on Christmas Eve. Christmas day families often have a picnic or go to the beach for Christmas Dinner. It is more traditional to have a cold ham than a hot turkey.
(Now, a christmas song)
Tuesday, January 02, 2007 |
Posted by
2:51 PM