Prision break..

Chapter* of Prision break of this Thursday it was not one of the better like the series A LOT, I liked this equally. This was trying of that one like already in other chapters, they try to continue with the plan to escape, but this time does not go to them well the game. They liberate John abruzzi of his task and already they cannot be in the leaf of role of cleanliness *, and it they bother the plan. The young man who suicide has "received" the
pederastian because he does not know from to do, and Michael feels guilty, since the boy asked it to help and he, to enter messes, he did not help him.
The son of Burrows can to the escape of those of the government and meets VerĂ³nica. " The ambulant infirmary" is begun understanding that they plan something..And it seems that the thing to them is become more and more complicated...
(And he is the more beautiful boy that me NEVER see!xDDDD)


The music ... it is the music... This one in each of your moments... From the nicest up to(even) the saddest... Always there will be a song with which you feel identified... That you think that THIS song is done specially for you ... and only for you ... =)
The music exists since the world is a world and does million years they were using it already as way of expression... From the prehistoric men until today...By means of the music therapies can be done... Even the animals seem to understand it...MUSIC IS LIFE ..!! =D

Sally's phone: personal opinion..

It is a short enough book, enough good is. I would recommend it to the persons to whom the Englishman not they of very well.
This book is easy enough to read and is read rapidly. It does not have complicated vocabulary and is not done peasdo of reading.I believe that this book is enough good but for people of little Englishman's level .. (like me ..!xD)