Santiago Ramon y Cajal

He was born on May 1, 1852, at Petilla in Aragon, Spain. This medicine lawyer. Anatomy assistant was named temporary, director of the museum of anatomy of Zaragoza. One began to interest in the hypnosis, and discovered the cellular unit of the nervous system. He obtained a prize “Fauvelle” of the Societé, the international prize of Moscow and in Spain the great cross of Isabel the catholic and the Great cross of Alfonso XII. He publishes books… Dies the 14 of October of 1934.


Helen, Lucia and Me in the school of Carcassonne.

We went to Carcassonne at the beginning of May. I have gone it very well, because it has been my first interchange. I have liked much. We went to the "Canal du Midi", to see “Cité of Carcassonne”… In the afternoons we went away with the French to the city, with those of the class, although not always we were with people that we wanted. .ejem… =) Although I have very well been in the house that there am been, with my French, and the people with whom it was left she.
Almost all the afternoons I passed them with Helena and MªLuz, and we have laught ourselves, very MUCH.
In summary, us we have passed it very well, but,i miss… some things…

Human rights

The 10 of December of 1948, the General assembly of the UNO, declared the human rights.
In the declaration of the human rights, all the rights are explained that have the people. It was very important that all the countries of the UN were agreed to approve it. What suucede that many of those countries does not respect it, for example, the U.S.A., that the allowed capital punishment has in its laws, and in the declaration of the human rights, one of them is that all the people have right to the life. Although these rights are approved by the UN, of the world are to a great extent not respected. It continues being hunger, lack of freedom, oppression, diseases that are podrian to cure and that by lack of solidarity do not become…


Country with an absolute and authoritarian monarchy. The people has been revealed against the king. After many clashes and the death of many people, they have achieved that the king "accepts" the democracy, but not this one very clearly that manages to be true.
I believe that the people has right to have a democracy, after having suffered for many years the dictatorship, living in poverty, without freedom and so on...

Israel & Palestina

The Jews always have asked for a land for them, a country. The UNO granted it to him and there they were living also the Arabic. The Iraelitas expelled the Arabs of his lands. After several wars and numerous clashes they have managed to sign the peace, except with the Palestinians. There continue being many clashes between them and refuse to speak. Irael does not want to agree on anything.Every people thinks that they have the reason, but the two have it and simultaneously none. I believe that Israel abuses the support of the USA, all the Jews and his major military power. I think that the Palestinians, like the Jews, have right to which they are recognized as a state and to which the Jews respect them.