I believe that the mobile ones if a good use is done of them if that can help to the progress. But sometimes in persons of my age it can create a dependence for nothing good. Then it is necessary to find the average point. The mobile are starting creating some social problems. The boys of our age now are starting giving him an evil I use the mobile ones in the schools... and in some places are begin to raise if to allow the entry of mobile in the schools. This can be good for one to part and for other one not because everything what we have advanced this bothers it.
mobil phone
Sunday, April 09, 2006 |
Posted by
3:56 AM
Iran and it's role in Orient
Iran in this moment is a very troubled Country for many reasons. His geographical situation is in the border of Iraq that is a country of almost world conflict. Another problem that has Iran is that has an Islamist very radical government and this does that USA has this country in his list of enemies...A months ago, Iran to decided to start making nuclear products that they say that they want use them for civil use, never for war use but USA another occidental countries don't belive them and they threaten to take reprisals.Acually Iran his one of the leader the islamic moviment against the USA and west.
Monday, April 03, 2006 |
Posted by
9:42 AM
Stop fire ETA?
I believe that ETA has said it because indeed they want to leave it already.I personally if that I believe myself that they are going to leave his assaults, if not they would not have said at all. I do not believe that they return to it of before because then nobody they It would take seriously.I believe that ETA this time says it indeed, and i am glad that after so much time finally I have ended ETA's terrorism. The initials ETA wants to say Euskal Ta Askatasuna and this wants to say "Euskadi" and freedom
Posted by
1:32 AM